If you have a retail or service business with employees who deal with customers or clients, you undoubtedly already have a training plan in place to ensure that your staff are able to provide the kind of customer service you would like. If you aren’t training your staff – and that includes anyone who may come into contact with your clients or customers – they’re probably making it up as they go. It’s up to you to decide whether or not that’s a good thing.
IdealMedia Marketing offers a one-day course in Exceptional Customer Service, which is aimed at smaller retailers and service businesses. The course provides practical training on the fundamentals of customer service. It explains the relationship between exceptional customer service, job satisfaction and business growth in a way that will enable frontline associates and service staff in back-up and support roles to build and maintain a loyal customer base.
We are able to adapt the training to suit the particular needs of your business.
Customer Service Training – Who Should Attend
The training is aimed at anyone who interacts with customers, whether internal or external. In addition to sales representatives, this includes positions such as receptionists, technical support representatives, sales engineers, field service technicians, waiters, etc.
Key Learning Points
1. Understanding Customer Service
Identifying Customer Expectations
Committing Yourself to Providing Excellent Customer Service
2. Focusing on the Customer
Creating a Positive First Impression
Identifying and Meeting the Customer?s Needs
Creating a Positive Last Impression
3. Handling Customer Complaints
Making it Easy for Customers to Complain
Resolving the Problem
Coping with Difficult and Irate Customers
4. Delivering Exceptional customer service on the Phone
Answering the Phone
Projecting a Positive Image Using Your Voice
How to Transfer Calls
How to Take Meaningful Messages
5. Coping with Stress
Describe Stress
Take Preventive Measures
Overcome Stress
The fee for the training is R4,000.00 for up to 20 delegates, when presented at your premises. We recommend a minimum of 10 delegates.
Please contact Manto at 011 478 0622 for more information, or fill in the form below:
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