The search engines use programs called “spiders” to discover new pages on the Internet. The spiders simply scan every page they know about, and find links to new pages. As they find them, new pages are added to the search engine’s database, or “index”.
It stands to reason, then, that in order to appear in the search engine results, your web pages must be in the index of each of the search engines.
How do you find out if your pages appear in the index? Just typing the URL of a page won’t necessarily tell you – you might just end up with a list of all your competitors sites. You need to use one of the search engine operators.
Here’a cheat sheet listing some of the operators you can use with Google: Google Cheatsheet.
The other search engines generally use similar operators.
The one we need to use to find out if a site is in Google’s index is “info:”. You would type to find out what Google knows about the site. (Make sure there’s no space between the colon and the first letter of the domain name.)
If Google tells you, “Sorry, no information is available for the URL”, it means that the site is not yet indexed.
It used to take a couple of months to get a site indexed. Fortunately, these days, it’s a lot quicker. It’s possible to get a new site indexed in a few hours, using the immense power of social media networks.
In fact, all you need to do is submit a single link to and your site should be indexed within a few hours.
If you update your website regularly, as you should, you’ll find that the search engines come back and index your new pages within a few hours.
that was cool, google cheatsheat rocks, i’ve tried this to find flashy web templates, and believe me, this tricks work far more times better than general search in Google
Hey that was a very straightforward and informative article,Its gives you fair insight as to how to optimize your SEO work. A newbie in this field will get a lot of idea from your post.
I would have to agree that a link from Digg will quickly get any page indexed and will also help to get an entire site indexed depending on the size. I just wish I could get to the front page of Digg, but my content/articles do not appeal to a wide audience.
Thank you for these SEO 101 tips. At the moment I am trying to optimize my website through quite a few different methods. It has been a month but still no result yet. Hopefully will reach my goal next month.
Thanks for the post. I have never seen the Google cheatsheet before so very much appreciate you sharing that with us. It’s amazing how quickly websites can get indexed these days.
I love the google cheat sheet, been using it all day – some great info in here – thanks for sharing