
Top Search Engine Optimization Tips

Here are 4 of the top search engine optimization techniques used by SEO experts to get their clients’ websites onto the first pages of the search engine results. The tips I discuss in this post are on-page techniques – in other words, they are under your control. If your keyword phrase doesn’t appear on a …

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Search Engine Optimization Services

Search Engine Optimization Buzzwords

How many SEO consultants does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to change the light bulb and another to explain that there are over 200 factors that go into determining the state of the light bulb and it could take 3 to 6 months to know for sure that the light bulb …

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How To Rank In Google

Getting your website to rank in Google is not as difficult as you may have been told. There are thousands of articles about search engine optimization on the Internet, 99.9% of which are complete rubbish. The first step in the process is ensuring that your site is indexed – that is, included in Google’s index …

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Google Spells It Out For Webmasters

Google recently released their Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide, which I recommend you download and read if you have any interest in getting your website to rank well in the search engines. There’s nothing really new in the guide – many of the topics are already ‘best practice’ for web page optimization – but it’s …

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How To Get Your Site Indexed By Google

The Google index is like a card catalogue of websites

One of the first steps towards getting traffic to your website is to get it indexed by the major search engines – Google and Bing. Being indexed means that your domain name, or your home page, appears in the list of websites that the search engine knows about. It doesn’t mean that your site will …

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Search Engine Submission

Some of the top web marketing companies in South Africa offer to submit your website to a huge number of search engines – like 2,000 or more. Does this actually work? There are actually only 3 search engines which are of any importance – Google, Yahoo and MSN. Together, these 3 get around 95% of …

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